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Your land has a value

The villages of Greece and the Mediterranean are valuable cradles of cultural heritage and traditional identity. Through ANIMA TERRA, we are highlighting these lost beauties, strengthening villages that are resisting depopulation and offering new aspects of life to their inhabitants.
Equally important, however, is the alternative lifestyle they can offer today to city residents with constantly rising costs, few jobs and a polluted natural environment.

Modern applications

ANIMA TERRA integrates modern technologies and innovations, such as digital technology and artificial intelligence, to showcase and globally promote local culture. This includes agrotourism, gastronomy, craftsmanship and local manners and traditions.

Tourism growth

With ANIMA TERRA, the promotion of sustainabletourism is central to the development of agricultural villages. We organize workshops, guided tours, cultural routes, hikes and thematic events, attracting visitors from all over the world and creating additional income for the people of the village, the “caretakers” of green Greece and the Mediterranean.

Cultural Projects and Activities

Boosting local and network artistic initiatives, ANIMA TERRA combines culture with community, organizing events and activities in the village square under the century-old tree that showcase local products and traditions.

Collaborations and Networks

ANIMA TERRA fosters partnerships with networks, institutions, organisations and businesses at European, international and national level, offering villages access to resources, knowledge and markets, supporting sustainable local development and agricultural entrepreneurship.

Main application criteria

If your village meets the following conditions, you can apply to join the ANIMA TERRA network:

• Population up to 500 inhabitants.
• At least one active (cultural club, association, sports club, etc.).
• The existence of a century-old tree and a café in the village square.

We believe in the powerful role that the sustainable development of agricultural villages can play in reversing the depopulation of communities.

Certification of the Chamber Initiative ANIMA TERRA in the Xironomi Community of Boeotia

NEWS RELEASE – July 2023 Xironomi, Boeotia – In a significant event held at the community center of Xironomi, the chamber initiative ANIMA TERRA was officially presented to the public for the first time. The event, organized by the Boeotia Chamber in collaboration with the local cultural association of Xironomi and the Cultural Organization "Routes…
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See on the map the first villages in Greece that have been proposed by the local chambers to become members of the ANIMA TERRA network.